Hi, im my project i have a persistant level (Main_Map) and a sub level (Collection_Map)
This two levels have a HUD and a button to go from Main_Map to Collection_Map and return
When i Test, i can click in the button in the Main_Map and load Collection_map, but when a click th button on Collection_map to returno to Main_Map, nothing happens, im using the load stream level to do this ( see Print) How can i can do this?
Hi, thanks for the answer, thats the node im using, my unreal is in portuguese, so the name changes, i tryed unload but theres effect only in the first time they load, to go back to a level unloaded, using again the node load stream level, nothing happens.
Try using a Name variable for the level name, that will make sure that a typing error doesnt cause it. From what I can see the 2nd picture the ‘M’ in Map isnt capitalised and I think that field is case sensitive.