How to unhide Viewport Tab?

Is there any possible way of unhide the viewport tab once it’s hidden?


It seems like the “U” icon from UnrealEngine gets over the small yellow triangle which should unhide the tab details again.


I’m still able to show and hide the viewport options, but I can’t unhide the tab since when I click over that “U” the close, minimize, etc. window appers.

I’m on 4.17.2 and I don’t know if it’s a known issue, or if I broke something playing around with editor windows using and switching different desktop and screens connected

Not sure how you managed to do it but you can always go to Window >> Reset Layout

Another way to do this without losing your layout:

  • Open or undock another window (for example, select Window > Viewports > Viewport 2)
  • Drag this new window onto the viewport window which is missing its tag, until the dock guides appear.
  • Drop the new window onto the upper part of your tabless window.
  • Your old window will hopefully then appear stacked beneath, and you can now access the yellow triangle to get your tab back!

Shortcut for hidding Viewport Toolbar is: ctr + shift + T. This work in my case.

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