How to undo 'DisableAllScreenMessages' to Suppress?

Why would 'DisableAllScreenMessages' to Suppress appear in the viewport when I play my game in Unreal editor? I didn’t directly tell UE 4.27 to stop printing messages to the screen.

I wrote this in a functioning AMyProject0Chacter::myJumpimplemented in AMyProject0Chacter.cpp and defined in AMyProject0Chacter.h
the character jumps but this function is ignored, without causing errors and MyProject0 files complied successfully.

UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(GetWorld(), GetName(), true, true, FLinearColor(0.0, 0.66, 1.0), 30.0f);

How do I show screen messages on the screen when I PIE?
I entered EnableAllScreenMessages inside of a textbox which had Enter Console Command in the Output Log window.
I saw 2 messages colored in green and another in white.

Cmd: EnableAllScreenMessages
LogEngine: Onscreen warngins/messages are now ENABLED

I didn’t see the difference, when I played my game in the editor.

I don’t know if I can solve your question

I did something like, but not in Blueprints. How did your solution work out for you in your game?

I don’t know C++