How to Understand Asset Bundle Name Usage in Lyra Project?

In LyraExperienceManagerComponent, it add 3 Bundle Name ‘Equipped’, ‘Client’, ‘Server’:

TArray<FName> BundlesToLoad;
//@TODO: Centralize this client/server stuff into the LyraAssetManager
const ENetMode OwnerNetMode = GetOwner()->GetNetMode();
const bool bLoadClient = GIsEditor || (OwnerNetMode != NM_DedicatedServer);
const bool bLoadServer = GIsEditor || (OwnerNetMode != NM_Client);
if (bLoadClient)
if (bLoadServer)

‘Client/Server’ Bundle Name can be found in UProperty define, for example:

// List of ability sets to grant to actors of the specified class
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Attributes", meta=(AssetBundles="Client,Server"))
TArray<TSoftObjectPtr<const ULyraAbilitySet>> GrantedAbilitySets;

Where is the ‘Equipped’ Bundle been set? i could not found it in any C++ code(as meta, or dynamically add by FAssetBundleData::AddBundleAssets).

or could it been set in BP, Editor or somewhere?

How to locate it?