how to UE 4.23 Pixelstreaming in 2024?

I know I know… there is already pixelstreaming in UE5.5 and I already tested without problem but I’m creating a HTML project without a external server and meanwhile by curiosity I tried to use pixelstreaming in UE 4.23 and so far failing, the first I did was to update all dependencies.

doing that make me change the parameters to use “-PixelStreamingURL=ws://” instead of “PixelStreamingIP” + “PixelStreamingPort”, other ways it will crash and it seems to be working as the host is up but cannot connect to my project

and the cmd windows doesn’t show the right message or any activity only shows “Listening to proxy connection on: 8888” instead of

"WebSocket listening to Streamer connections on :8888

WebSocket listening to Players connections on :80"

I fill that I’m forgetting something in the configuration of the plugin, any suggestion?

EDIT: ok pixelstreaming in the 4.27 works but just after updating all dependences so either way I built the 4.27 from scratch adding the HTML functionality or fix 4.23… and as I’m so stubborn I tried using the cirrus.js from the 4.27 in the 4.23 after studying it and so far I can tell there is a different approach in the use of the and the player.htm. this hollyday I will try to study more those changes and try to fix the 4.23 unless someone have the solution before XD

also the reason why 4.23 pixel streaming only shows “Listening to proxy connection on: 8888” is because is programed that way and fails to connect because the way it connects using the has been deprecated unlike in 4.27