Hello! I’m trying to build a game where keyboard events can enable and disable cinematic mode. The problem is that I can turn cinematic mode on but can’t turn it off.
Here’s the code I built to switch back and forth. The first time I call this function it successfully stops movement, but when I call it again I still can’t move. I know that the branch node is working because it prints out the value of the boolean each time. Yet for some reason, I can’t “reactivate” player movement/turning.
How do I turn off cinematic mode and allow the player to move again? Thank you.
So the bool pins for “affects movement” and “affects turning” need to be set true when going in AND when going out. Because what those do is ask “Does this affect movement” not “Turn on/off”. So once you EXIT cinematic mode, if those bools are TRUE, it turns movement back on I know, a little confusing.
Here’s the documentation on it if my explanation wasn’t great
Thank you so much for the help! The problem is solved!
Here’s just a screenshot of the final blueprint for future reference because I realized the exec pins weren’t hooked up properly in the first screenshot: