I am working on an TPS game and just made this Aim Offset with this:
I need to turn or off “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” or it won’t work horizontaly, as the tutorial instructs.
How would I make the character turn or rotate after I reach a certain degree (90) to the right or left following the mouse movement? Or else he won’t turn at all.
Hey mate, have a look at this thread, maybe you can find some useful information in there for you.
Unfortutantely I never got around to make a video tutorial of it for the poor guy
Just have a go, it shouldnt be that hard to figure out honestly, there are lots of ways you can solve this problem.
There is a video series that is very helpful regarding setup of TPS. He don’t show the step between (because he is using the free anim pack which does not contain those animations) but turns the hole character if the offset is too much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnX5oDJujCA
I don’t have turning animations either, at least for now. I’m trying to get concepts of basic gameplay, then I’ll update existing assets and make it more complex. I’ll take a look at both links once I get back home.
I’ll provide feedback later, thanks
Edit: Neutronux, I did the same way, but my char turns in a blink of an eye, it doesn’t have transition. It turns, but definitely too imediate.
You get the smooth turn from your RInterpTo. Did you connect GetWorldDeltaSeconds or some Seconds of EventTick to the “DeltaTime” of your RInterpTo? Did you set any InterpSpeed value at RInterpTo? If it’s 0 then it would just snap instant to the new value.