Getting back into the swing of things with Unreal, here, and I’d like to try out the new Live Coding feature, because I’m pretty sure that it would make life a lot better, but…
whenever I enable it, then restart, an error appears on the console, that Live Coding cannot be enabled because Hot Reload has already been used. There are no console lines previous to that, indicating that Hot Reload occurred for any reason.
… so, the answer, was to start the editor using the build/run button in Visual Studio – it doesn’t work when invoked from the editor launched via the Epic Launcher.
For me, I had to navigate to the actual live coding settings menu, Compile>Settings, and tick Enable livecoding there, the console then opens and shows a “quick restart” button in the newly opened console, UE4 will also prompt a restart at the same time, do not restart using that prompt, only restart using the Quick Restart button, then you can ctrl + alt + 11 to compile from VS.