Hello. Can I trace method calls during PIE? Specifically I need to know what happens behind the scenes when clicking a Pawn / player in the Editor during play. Selecting the Pawn (mouse clicking it) fixes a bug I’m otherwise unable to solve. I’d like to automatically call whatever methods this click event calls as a workaround in standalone mode.
The bug is described here: LINK
The last pictures there shows selecting the Pawn / player “fixes” the lighting bug, so again; being able to trigger the “select actor” event that the Editor calls when mouse clicking it in PIE / “eject” mode, would be nice. I’d like to do this from C++, but will accept other methods if need be.
Said differently; what does UE4 do when selecting Pawns in PIE mode? Selecting as in “Simple selection” shown in Selecting Actors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
Alternatively, if someone recognizes the lighting bug, that would be great.
Sorry. This is urgent. :\
The UE4 Plugin (game mode) is AirSim (GitHub - microsoft/AirSim: Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research I’m running build 20170516)
EDIT: Actually, the bug described in my Imgur link “disappeared” when I scaled the pawn back to 1.0 instead of 0.1 (I compensated for this by scaling the imported model instead). Cameras placed in the pawn were also scaled accordingly (in the Viewport tab). Unexpected behavior that scaling the pawn should affect whatever lighting effect is at play.