how to trigger (fire) an skeletal animation, using a interact "E" key in a static mesh overlap?

Hello all! I’m new to unreal engine 5, and i can not find a tutorial or answer for my problem.
I already made the following steps:
1 - a widget interaction “E” key;
2 - i made an input action “E”, and configurated on the IMC_default;
3 - a blueprint with an static mesh (like a 3d model button), and add a sphere for overlaping (with generate overlap events - and collision presets as overlapalldynamic);
4 - made the event graph with begin and end overlap and did the visibility of the widget, so that can show the “E” when the thirdperson character overlaps the sphere, and hide on overlaps end.

all worked fine, but the problem is:

i have a imported .fbx animation, with skeletal mesh, animated mesh, physical mesh etc.
how can i use this static mesh “glued” to the interaction “E” key widget, to fire my .fbx skeletal mesh animation? Only when i overlap that sphere and press “E”.

Hope i did explain well, thank you!!
i’m sorry for the gramatics, because english isn’t my mother language.

You can trigger animations using nodes like “Play Animation”, or if you have a montage (you can turn your animation to a montage by right clicking on it, navigate to the create option on the menu that pops up and select the create montage button, but remember to plug in a default slot into your main out pose in your animation blueprint for montages to work) you can use the “Play Anim Montage” node, or you can plug your animation into the out pose node in a state in your anim graph which is inside your animation blueprint. You can bind when the animation should trigger using branch nodes (or the transition conditions if that’s gonna be in the anim blueprint) by plugging the necessary conditions into the condition pin. You can use bool type variables and set them to true when certain requirements are met. Hope this helps! :blush: