How to trigger an event every frame two actors are touching?

The “hit event” Doesn’t seem to work for what I’m trying to accomplish. (Look at the images below.)


Notice how when the player is moving into the wall, the event fires every frame, but when the player holds still, the event doesn’t fire. The capsule is clearly touching the wall, but that doesn’t seem to register as a hit.

How can I get the event to fire every frame they touch?

You could try casting first to see what you are colliding with and setting a bool variable “Colliding” to true on OverlapBegin instead of hit and false on OverlapEnd. Then use a tick event to do whatever. Not sure if that’s the best way but it is a way.

Thanks for the help! But there’s another problem:

You see, I need to get “impact info” (not sure what it’s called) off the collision. (In this case I need “Impact Point” and “Normal.”)

When I was using the “hit event” it worked perfectly fine, but now with the “overlap event” it doesn’t work at all! All the values return zero!

I did some research on this, and apparently, this feature of Unreal Engine hasn’t even been made yet! But it should be added some day in the future… *Sigh… maybe I should just wait until then…

Update: Not entirely sure if they’re planning to add this, it’s just a rumor…

(I sure hope they add it!)