How to trigger a BP custom event from a level sequencer in UE 4.27?

Hi there!

I’m trying to trigger an event from my blueprint in a level sequencer. I would like to press the spacebar in my level sequencer and for the blueprint to be “activated” - just like when I click play in the toolbar.

Here’s a little context: I have a blueprint that changes morph targets’ values according to the frame sequence generated from an audio file, it all starts from the first node “Event BeginPlay”. When I click play in the toolbar, it all works perfectly well.

I’ve tried creating trigger events, repeater events, recording the scene after pressing play… I feel like I’ve tried everything! All I managed to do is create a custom event that can trigger one of my morph targets to be set to 1, but when I play it in the level sequencer, it’s not triggered at the correct time and it doesn’t even work systematically.

My goal is to be able to “play my blueprint” in my level sequencer, and I’m surprised at how difficult it is. I naively thought I could trigger an event that would replace the “Event BeginPlay” in my blueprint. There must be something I am not understanding. Any tips?


  1. Select your BP in the level, then you add a track for your BP

  1. Add an event track


  1. Add a key on the event track and right click to bind to your BP event

You get this inside the sequence director

Thanks for your quick reply! Unfortunately I’ve tried this several times and it doesn’t work. It kind of worked when I create one event that was just in charge of setting a morph target’s value to 1, but when it comes to triggering the entire BP it does nothing at all…

It does work, I just tested it :slight_smile:


Are you saving the sequence?

What code are you trying to call? ( when you say, the whole BP… )

It works when you click play in the toolbar, yes, same here :slight_smile: But does it work on your side when you press the space bar to play it in the level sequencer? It doesn’t for me, even if I ticked ‘call in editor’.

I’m trying to call “the whole BP” meaning that I want it to trigger all of the nodes, just like the event “beginPlay”.

A lot of blueprint nodes don’t work in editor, timelines for instance.

If you put a print statement, you’ll see the events are being called, but stuff that relies on tick won’t work.

And how can I know if that stuff relies on tick? It’s starting to feel like what I’m trying to do is actually impossible!

Hey MonLi!

I still don’t fully understand which way you want this to go.
Do you want to Start the Level Sequencer when pressing Spacebar, or have an Event inside the Level Sequencer which Starts some Timeline inside a Blueprint?

Best regards!

I’d need more detail to tell you if it’s impossible. It probably isn’t.

Examples of things that need tick:

  1. Tick ( obviously )

  2. Timelines

  3. Interps

Hi! I’d like to press the space bar and have the blueprint activated in my level sequence (so your 2nd option). (Basically my BP evaluates moprh targets’ values in function of an audio file)

So I’ve been playing around with Oculus Lip Sync’s playback blueprint, that might give your more info. I’d like to trigger their event OnVisemesReady but the option doesn’t even exist…

If it’s of any interest and if you have time, this is where you can download the plugin and demo project:

This is the OG blueprint

I’m afraid, I don’t think it will play audio in the editor…

:frowning: thanks for trying to help though! really appreciate it

If I get this correctly, I think the way to go is via Level Blueprint.

This process was hard for me as well, but someone did a video on Youtube, which did the trick for me. Sadly no Audio, so watch this carefully

Hope this helps

Thanks!! I had a look and will give it a try, but from what I see, the events are triggered when the person hits play in the toolbar. I’m hoping it works when pressing space and playing the level sequencer too :slight_smile:

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If this is not implemented in this Video.
What I did was add the Spacebar to play the sequence via the Level Blueprint - if that is an Option for you.

For this you will have to initialize your Sequnce via Begin Play in the Level BP: So:
Begin Play → Create Level Sequence Player → Save the output as a variable

Then Add the Spacebar and call Play with Movie Scene Sequence Player as your target. Then pipe in your Variable. Works fine for me.
Here with Pause Toggle:

I’ll give it a try! I managed to play the level sequence from my BP but didn’t have the idea of doing it in the level blueprint and then calling “play” with the sequence player. Thank you

I would like to be able to track the blueprint’s animation in the level sequencer. The issue is, my blueprint doesn’t create an actual animation, it just fiddles around with morph target values.

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