One asset I bought on the Epic store (dream apartment: Dream Apartments in Architectural Visualization - UE Marketplace) has the wrong coordinate system and the pivot is very far from the object. What I notice is that even when I move the object for a very small distance, the coordinate change drastically. How do I fix it to be in the same coordinate system with other objects? I tried changing the pivot point by using middle mouse+Alt, tried making it a child actor to something else, but didn’t work.
And just a warning, this asset looks really nice but is a great pain to make it work properly because of the bad organization and naming convention.
As for Alt + Middle Mouse Button, it works, but you have to save the Pivot Point after you’ve moved it. Just right click and find the option in the drop-down list.
Just one thing I’ve noticed changed in version 4.23: in most cases when you first select the actor, its pivot jumps back to the original point, but when you click it the second time while still selected (do not confuse it up with double click that selects a component), the pivot moves to where you saved it. I don’t know if it’s a bug or something, but it is annoying. In the previous versions everything was fine.