How to track and display player position on a floor plan in UMG?


I’m building a virtual visit for an Archviz project.
I’d like to display a UMG livemap upadting my character’s position and rotation on a 2D Texture representing the floor I’m currently in.

A SceneCapture2D above the house or character as is suggested through youtube tutorials and such are not what I’m looking for.

The steps I tried to follow are:

  • Get the floorplan 2DTexture from photoshop
  • Place it in the viewport and scale it to the size of the house
  • duplicate it outside the skysphere
  • Put a SceneCapture2D above it
  • Place another pawn on the floorplan and use it as a proxy?
  • Then display the SceneCapture 2d render target on the UMG

I can’t find a way to control a second pawn with the same input coming from my Player Character.

I wanted your experienced advice and help on how to make it work or maybe even a better solution??

Thank you

Your stated method should work fine, you just need to learn how to control both pawns from the same blueprint, which is easy when you know how. Can you post a pic of the blueprint you control your pawn from?

Just place widget on canvas widget with background of layout and translate player world position to the map on tick. SceneCapture2D is only good if you want to automatically generate background image for mini map