Hi! I’m new to blueprints, so I can not solve a seemingly simple task. I have a widget - HUD with health bar and other stuff. I also have a Menu blueprint with some options. What do i need - when clicking the checkbox in Menu i want to enable or disable HUD element - time counter in the game. Not the entire HUD widget, but its element - Vertical box showing the game time. All i can do for now - is just do it via Character BP using Byte Eslate variable (which is for toggle that Vertical box visibility). For example i press “T” - to show time and press it again to hide. But i need to do it via my Menu, but not hardcoded key. I’ve tried all known for me methods including all 4 ways of Blueprints communications, watched a lot of tutorials but with no lack. Most tutorials show how to operate whole widget visibility, but not the element/panel of it. Again - i have common FirstPersonCharacter BP, HUD BP and Menu BP. All my tries of coomunicate HUD with Menu are ends with “Cast” dead-end with yellow warning messages (always fail bla-bla). I tried to create different public variables in both BPps but still can’t make them work as i want. Reference Tree shows that both BPs are connected in both sides with each other. So i don’t understand why i can’t simple enable my HUD timer from my Meny checkbox. Please help and forgive me my bad English!
Hi Vodkins, I want to know inside which widget are you calling the menu widget ? Because you can use the create widget node inside your Hud widget to create the Menu widget. ahah thats alot of widget here… And set him to visible or not. So its would be easy to get reference of what you want. And then by using the oncheckstatechange from your checkbox will be a piece of cake to show and hide your time element of your Hud.
Thank you Denis! But i solved it using BP Interface system - when i learned how it works i loved it:) Simple enough and universal for further use by any new communications.