Am using File Logging Analytics provider from Blueprint Analytics OK. However, the individual events in the log do not get timestamps, which I would need.
How would I nicely add a timestamp to every event?
Some ideas:
- enable a hidden option I did not find yet
- modify File Logging Analytics Provider to add the time (but would I then need to build UE from source?)
- create a wrapper BP class, Record Event With Time, that simple gets the time and adds it as an attr to the call to the original BP record call
I just got the last idea when writing the question here, and it seems feasible, no? However I still have some time for this (a couple weeks) so am posting in case there are caveats or a better solution.
We plan to use Flurry as well, but also the log files, in a small scale university VR user prototype study where the file logging on the couple dedicated machines is suitable.
This is how the .analytics JSON looks out of the box – only the start is timed, no the individual events:
"sessionId" : "7140d2a048132aa7e14899afe93478f1-2018.03.21-11.19.12",
"userId" : "7140d2a048132aa7e14899afe93478f1",
"events" : [
"eventName" : "StartSession"
, "attributes" : [
"name" : "Success",
"value" : "true"