My project is based off the ShooterGame sample, in which it seems that the camera is locked to the active Pawn/Character’s location and rotation, i.e. the Pawn IS the camera.
I’m trying to make it so that when my player walks forward, the camera pitches forward a bit, then pitches back once the player stops walking, for a headbob ala Rage.
My problem is that I can’t find a way to add an OFFSET to the camera location since there is no camera component per se, rather it seems the game is just rendering from whatever location and angles are present on the Pawn/Character as directed by the PlayerCameraManager.
How can I add a rotation/translation offset to the camera rotation/position in ShooterGame?
Managed to kinda get things working by creating my own CameraManager and overriding the “BlueprintUpdateCamera” function. Unfortunately this lead to some client/server issues as, for some reason that is completely unbeknownst to me, the only way to access the PlayerCameraManager is by using player indexes instead of just getting the variable from the owning PlayerController (which seems like it would be the most logical way to do this?). As a result, when running a listen server, the editor window serves as “Authority” which means I’m in trouble in two different possible scenarios:
I allow the camera tick code to be executed on Authority, which then targets player index 0 on all clients and makes all clients share the same camera offsets OR
I prevent Authority from executing camera tick code, and whoever is hosting the listen server is unable to have their camera data modified.
I’d be super appreciative if someone could help me out. I feel like either I’m hacking together something that wasn’t meant to be (for reasons unknown to me) or Epic just likes to hide things that don’t seem like they should be hidden?