How to tile textures all the same on a basic shape cube ?

I’m trying to create a brutalist house style so I use the basic shape cube on unreal engine because I think it’s easier this way. I want the textures to be tiled the same on all the cubes.

At the moment if I stretch the cube, the texture is stretching too.

I’m sure there is a way to do that, and I hope you guys see what I mean.

Here is the screenshot of my stretched textures

I use a megascan material here is what it looks like

Hey @UgoTiphagne!

Looks like you may need to use the “world align texture” node (I don’t see it in your current provided material blueprint). Check out these great non-Epic affiliated tutorials on how to use it:

I hope the above is the solution you need!

If you want to change a single texture that is stretched you could awso just choose on the Modeling Mode - “Project”. Then set the dimension of the textures and the “Projection Type” which is Box in your case. You can play with the values and see what happens. You can awso rotate the textures or just move them in any direction if you wish to and scale them…

Here stretched example

And here you can see on the left “Project” and on the right are the setting for the textures you want to adjust…

For many textures that all need to fit in a seemless pattern togheter then the world alignment is the way to go…

Hey thank you so much for your answer ! I will try it :)))

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Thank you so much ! I will try both the solution you guys gaved me. Thank you for the time you took to answer my problem. :slight_smile: