How to tell SpringArmComponent to ignore specific actors?


I just started to use SpringArm for my FPS : when the arm of my character is too close something, instead of overalaping the wall, the arms recede.
However, I want to tweak SpringArm to ignore a list of actors, for example, I don’t want my arms to recede when it’s getting too close from a enemy sphere collision. So how to tell SprinArm to ignore specifics actors ? I already saw that on the web but I doesn’t resolve my problem, and the function is still not implemented.

Here’s my current configuration :

You can’t do that from the spring arm, unfortunately you have to set the collision channels to the rest of the actors to not block the camera channel instead.

Since we are talking about the spring arm, there is also no option for self-collision… let’s say your pawn is a tank and you want the camera to no go through it for example, you can’t.
Definitely something that Epic needs to work on, there is also a weird camera jittering bug with it that I reported a few weeks ago.

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So on my Pawn, I have to set the Capsule collision to ignore Camera trace ? I already did that but it isn’t working.

It should be working (just tested, works for me).

I noticed in your screen however that your spring arm is attached to your camera instead the other way around… could this be the problem?

I don’t want it to attach it to my camera, because the camera will overlap a wall if the character is in a corner because she will pulls back ; I just want my arms to recede. Here’s a screen shot to prove the problem with the camera :

If I used Spring Arm in front of the character, the Camera will overlap with the wall on the left with the pull back effect.

Up please! :’(

change probChanel to visibility, I don’t Know how but it’s only way work to me