How to tell if animation from .fbx imported correctly?

Hi, I will preface this post by saying that I have very little knowledge of the animation workflow within unreal engine. However I was given the task to replace the UE Robo default VR hands with a different set of gloved hands.

So, here is where I am at - an fbx was given to me by my colleague and when I import it the assets include: GloveSkeletalMesh, GloveAnimation, GlovePhysicsAsset, and GloveSkeleton. Now I’m under the assumption that I have everything I need sans animation blueprint which I had planned on just using the one from the Template and swapping things accordingly.

However, when previewing the animation (150 frames) nothing happens. There is no gripping motion has it plays like there should be. The animation was created in Maya and I have not touched it inside unreal. My colleague has it working in unity so I know the animation works there.

Any ideas of why the animation doesn’t play? Is this a sign of a bad import? Is there something I can check to see that would be a tell tale sign of something missing?

Any help is appreciated. If you’d like to see more information just let me know