How to teleport to destination set by player in text field?

Create a string-vector Map (or int-vector if you just want numbers) and fill it in with desired keys & values (the left hand side key has to be unique):

Find will spit out the vector.

tip: rather than using a vector, use a transform - this will allow you to store the desired rotation upon arrival, and scale, which is just another vector you can use for something else.

If you want to take it even further, consider creating a struct with all the data you need and use it instead of a vector.

And can I get mouse control by
keypress instead of shift+F1?

Explore this menu to control mouse behaviour on launch:

And these bad boys will allow more control during run-time:

Give their tooltips a read for more info.

I am a new user and I am fiddling with a real life project (building visualization) and I am struggling with the navigation.
It would be nice if I could teleport the player(potential buyer) to the different appartements by typing in the appartments number in a textfield in the sun control widget I use. What would be a good way to create this functionality?

(I have- so far -made the player teleport by single keypress, but I would like the ability to type in the whole number and then teleport - to avoid making hundreds of little hardcoded buttons to click)
And how can I make the player move in game like in the editor; mouse press zoomes along and left+right button lift you up and down? And can I get mouse control by keypress instead of shift+F1?

(I know I should read the f****** manual…)

Just to be clear - you mean you would like to type in say a house/apartment number and it would take you to that building/room/environment?

One fairly crude method comes to mind. An array of Vectors (your locations) and then you could use the index number to move to that location.

Then you’ll want to get the input from the text box (which i assume you have already found, in the Widget Editor) and pass it to somewhere, such as your player controller.
Here’s an example from one of my projects which show the Widget Blueprint handling a text input event:

I hope this makes sense, and is suitable/ not too crude.
If there’s an issue with this approach for you, then I’m sure it could be improved or an alternative could be found!

You could potentially use an array of actors instead and use their locations, which would act somewhat like ‘spawn points’. This way you could name them “Apartment_0” and ensure it’s in the first slot of the array. This would be for the sake of clarity for yourself. You might even be able to load them all in using a Find/GetAllActorsOfClass function- provided they load in the correct order, which is, I believe, in descending order i the World Outliner.

You might need a bit more logic than I’ve demonstrated here to handle the input (such as handling text inputs as well as handling excess 0s). If you need any help, or just want to tell me that this approach is stupid, then feel free to send a message my way! =P

And how can I make the player move in
game like in the editor; mouse press
zoomes along and left+right button
lift you up and down?

Get coffee and cookies because it’s long:

Thank you very much for the swift replies.

I haven’t been able to try anything yet, but I’ll let you know when I make it work - or not. :slight_smile: