How to teleport prop to players feet / ground?

Does anyone know how I can teleport an object to the ground at a certain coordinate? Is there a way to shoot a ray and get hit data with verse?

Currently I am just doing:
TeleportTo[PlayerFortCharPosition, TeleportPropRotation]

Which makes the prop float in the air at torso-height-

You can add an offset like this:

PropTranslation = PropTranslation + PropTransform.Rotation.GetLocalUp()*Z_Offset

Yes, I considered doing this… However, I failed at finding the exact height offset for crouching / standing…

Perhaps you could use a socket location as your start point on that case?

at feet2

When spawning set always spawn adjust if possible

Spawn variation


Is this possible in UEFN? It looks like you are using UE5?

Sory mised that it was the cut d9wn version. Maybe with verse?