You can set the actor location and tick the teleport box. Just set the target location to whatever you want. I used a target actor and set a variable for it here.
Edit: The SetActorLocation is set inside the sphere actor blueprint.
Ok so I have 3 actor BP’s. A ball with a static mesh using a ball FBX and two actors that have a box collision and a particle system in them, Teleport 1 and Teleport 2. What I’m trying to do is get the ball to roll into T1 and come out T2. I understand that I need to use blueprint communication but I’m a beginner with Blueprints so I am unsure how to reference the second Teleport 2 actor using the below BP’s. Where you see teleport 2 in the 1st picture that was from creating a variable object type and referencing the Teleport 2 Actor.
Hi Volkmedia I should have added that I am trying to do this not using the Level Blueprint because I will have a 100+ levels so it would be tedious to have to do this for every level. I need to do this inside actor BP’s but there is no way to reference a target point unless you are using a level BP.
You’re probably not setting Teleport1 and Teleport2 references correctly. Use Get All Actors of Class and then set those variables in Event Begin Play.
You can also try using SetActorLocation and give it the coordinates where you want the actor to appear.
How are you able to reference the target point? and how would I put the target point in the teleport 2 actor? ( in the game the player will be able to move the second teleport to set the location the ball will teleport to.
The Target point is just like any other actor. So you just create and actor reference variable. Just make sure to make it visible by clicking open the eye. Be sure to compile the blueprint afterwards. There are a lot of ways to reference another actor but the easiest is to use the eye drop tool in the actor properties. So click your actor in the viewport and you should see your new target option variable show up there.
So I am trying to use the eye picker but it says editing this value in a class default object is not allowed. I don’t know if I am getting this message because I am trying to set the teleport up in the the Teleport1 actor.
Google is usually a good reference point to go to when you have an issue. My belief has always been that there is no way I can be the only one seeing this error but amazingly there are no results for the above error.
You know what it could be the Mac also. I have a Mac at work and a PC at home and I have noticed BP’s behaving differently on the Mac so I’ll try it when I get home.