My main character holds 2 guns,one in each hand.But they are different actors from time to time since there are more then 2 pistols in the game available to the player.What is the best way to talk to both this actors at the same time?I tried custom events but then i have to cast to each of them actors individualy,and there are so many guns! Please guys,any idea or sugestion is a go for me!Thank you in advance
Could you add images to explain the problem? I’m not sure I understand the issue.
I don’t have my computer now, but I post the picture as soon as i can. But its a simple situation : my character has 2 child actor slots (imagine they are each hand), and when i am holding 2 pistols at once, my character BP casts to a custom event inside one pistol then the other so it fires each gun when i want to. The problem is that i am casting to each pistol individually, so i thought, maybe theres a way to cast to whatever child actor i am currently holding? Rather than making i huge node mess, as i check witch of the dozens of weapons is the one i am currently holding? Sorry if sounds confusing, i post pictures asap
Not sure about your setup. But It seems to be better idea to have one blueprint with gun model changing? Maybe creating a struct with parameters for different guns. If they have to be different actors then they can inherit from the same parent and you can call functionality on that parent.
This is an official UE4 training video on all the different ways to communicate between blueprints. By the sound of your problem you will do best with the “Event Dispatchers” Part if you want to jump straight in but i would suggest watching the entire video helped me loads with similar issues of BP communications.