How to take selfie on unreal Mobile game? Android and IOS

How to take selfie on unreal Mobile game?
I mean screenshot. any help for this :grinning:

I do not quite understand what we are talking about) but the phone has functionality or a ShareX on PC

1 Like i just making thirdperson game and i need to take screenshot in it.
Difficult part is i don’t know how to screenshot on Android and IOS mobile phones.
i tested so many things but Screenshot pictures stores in different places. i need to store screenshot on Users image directory (DCIM folder).
So how to do that?

I do not know what to help)) I have built in Android functionality and I can make a screenshot at any time

which function you have? how to use it?


This is the standard functionality of the phone) if you do not have it, then look for the program in the playmarket … or write the code in c ++ in ue4… or maybe something works this

Some one knows about this?