How to take out component from the blueprint to the level?

I select some objects in the game scene and then click ‘convert selected components to Blueprint Class’. But I want to take out some components from the blueprint to the game scene. If I need to move a building with a lot of little components from the blueprint. Is there any way to undo the blueprint beside using the ctrl + z.

You can’t, components need to be contained in actor in order to be placed on level. Infact engine it self have dummy actor classes to place components on level. For example Camera Component → Camera Actor, Sound Component → Ambient Sound, Light Compiennt → Light Post Process Compoennt → Post Process Volume and so on, they only exist to contain components and forward properties to them.

By sound of it you have issue of editing components on the bluepritn editor, you can edit components on the level, in property editor on top when oyu select actor you can select individual component and position them, just note that thsoe changes will be saved on the level not blueprint, but you can save actor with new changes in to new blueprint.

I’m guessing you’re using blueprints just to group actors together? Have you looked at layers?

You can group and move actors just like grouping or blueprints, but they are still available for moving individually.

The only thing to watch out for, which is a pro and con, is that if you copy something, and put it in a new layer, it will still also be in the old layer unless you do something about it.

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