How do I take hold of the tank parameters? particularly Tank health, damage, damage events…
Beyond that, can I change the tank? can I make my own turret and chassis and replace the existing ones? can I control the UI hologram surrounding the tank? can I change the health of the tank dynamically from the code?
There is a ‘Vehicle Health’ variable on the Tank Spawner that you can set. But as far as dynamically changing HP I think we’d need to see something like a ‘SetCurrentHealth’ function in the API first
Edit: after seeing Mineblo’s post: It looks like a vehicle is 'Healtful" and can have it’s HP set.
Beyond that there is not much you can change. - For Damage, you might be able to use the ‘Damage Amplifier’ powerup?
“Changing the tank” would currently involve attaching a mesh particle (driven by Niagara) - But that would be janky and doubly janky in the context of a rotating turret.
There’s also no control over the in-tank UI. (Unless you’re adding your own UI overtop of things)
Even for other vehicles there is not much direct control (Top Speed, Acceleration) so I think the best we can hope for is some sort of future ‘Custom Vehicle’ support.
As @Astrotronic mentioned you can’t really do anything else UI/Design wise aside from just spawning particles or something either with a niagara particle or just moving props using the tanks .GetTransform() “The latter can be a bit delayed”