How to sync the source on Switchboard on different nodes with Git?

I’m using UE5.3.2 and Switchboard + nDisplay to run my app on 4 PCs.
I can make a remote build for each node using Switchboard command and build.

I found only Perforce sync support in Switchboard, while I’m using Git. So I have to connect to each node manually to sync the source code. And it’s a pain. So I have a strong desire to run git fetch / pull from Switchboard. Is there any way to do add git support for remote project source code syncing? I was thinking about implementing a plugin for Switchboard or a command to be transferred to the Switchboard listeners running on the remote PCs. But I couldn’t find any documentation.

Please help.

I’d be happy if you developed a switchboar plugin to be able to implement git, plastic or others. Personally I don’t like using perforce at all and I’m forced to use that with switchboard which is not fun at all.

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That’s still on my TODO list. I’ll get back here when I make something.

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