How to sync 3D and 2D objects transformations and make them solid.

Hello! I am working on a project where players can transition between a 3D and 2D world. I have a question about syncing transformations of objects between these two worlds.

For example, in the 3D world, there is a cube that players can move. When this happens, I want:

  1. Two “linked” cubes in the 2D world to dynamically change their position and size based on the movements of the 3D cube. For instance, if I move the cube forward in the 3D world, the 2D cube becomes larger, and if I move it backward, it becomes smaller. It’s like shadows adjusting based on perspective.

  2. The 2D cubes to be physically solid so that the character can walk on them as platforms.

Could you suggest the best way to implement this in Unreal Engine?

Thank you so much for your time and support! :slightly_smiling_face:

( Sorry for visual example, I am a bad artist )