You’ll want to use the “Possess” node once the other character is spawned, and pass in your player controller. You’ll also want to put ANY code you want to execute BEFORE destroyActor, as once it’s destroyed, any code is stopped because it doesn’t exist anymore.
I would suggest making a dispatcher, and running the SpawnActor and Possess nodes on the GameMode Blueprint! That way you don’t somehow have 2 on the screen.
So on each player character it would be:
Character toggle Input>Dispatch to GameMode Event to spawn/possess OTHER char> DestroyActor(self)
If you need any additional help let us know!
So what’s going on here is you’re setting your character on game start. Can’t do that because after the first switch out that character doesn’t exist anymore, any more switch ins are clones of that one, so that set will be broken. Gotta get the current one! (Ignore my SpawnActor settings, they’re a placeholder for you)