How to subscribe to an ActorComponent custom events?

I have an ActorComponent that has a BlueprintImplementableEvent function, I can’t seem to find a way to subscribe to this event in blueprints. I tried using event dispatchers but it seems you can’t create an event dispatcher for an actor component, how can I do it?

Thanks everyone

BlueprintImplementableEvent is a marker for a UFUNCTION(); what you can subscribe to is a delegate:


// #includes end here

FOnEvent OnEvent;



And you can bind to this OnEvent in blueprints;

if you mean that you want a function that you can call from a blueprint, it’s UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable);
BlueprintImplementableEvent is something that’s only executed in blueprint.

BlueprintImplementableEvent is a function you can access from the blueprint panel by overriding it. You can call it in c++, but you implement it in BP.
If you also want to call it in BP, the UFUNCTION must have the specifier “BlueprintCallable” as well.