How to stream levels properly?

I need to load a small black room with player in it first (sort of a “splash screen” room). Once loaded, I need to load (in the background) another small room with 3D widget in it and once it’s loaded, move player from black room to the room with 3D widget in it.

Then I need to load main level (which will contain several areas that will need to be loaded and unloaded at certain times, but not initially) while player is messing around in the 3D widget room. Then player can choose “start game” option on the 3D widget and get moved to the main level.

Currently I have levels nested in the following manner:

World Level (persistent)
Black Room (streaming, “always loaded” method)
3D Widget Room (streaming, “blueprint” method)
Main Level (streaming, “blueprint” method)
Sublevel1 Level (streaming, “blueprint” method)
Sublevel2 Level (streaming, “blueprint” method)

When starting the game (deployed build, not PIE), it takes forever to load initially. As if instead of loading black room, it loads everything and only then spawns player in the black room.

How should the layout of levels look like in order for the streaming work properly ?


never mind, solved

Should have updated with “this is what i did to resolve it” incase others run into the same situation.
I would say that your issue is that you are loading the entire game all at once in just the main menu.

I would have “MainMenu” map that has a load to your primary setup. There really is no need to stream your small room. I assume “Widget Room” and “Black Room” are apart of the same situations? No need to stream any of that. I would have the menu item that brings a player to the game run a “load level” int he BP.

Again, not sure how you resolved it, but, a problem with “fixed” as the reply doesnt do anyone any good. You should have just deleted the post instead of replying.

I did nothing special. I had some hidden models (a lot of them) in the persistent level. I removed some, and moved others to FullMap. Rebuilt and re-deployed. Works as expected now.

Ah the old “plethora of hidden things” will get ya every time! lol
Glad it worked out bud!