How to stop the thread?

Hi there!

I need to interrupt a task in arbitrarily time. Cancel() does not work, waiting for the completion.

How call function from it to stop? There is a way to stop the task without ending?

I need to call StopWork(). And don’t use static function.

Whan I do it editor crash with error "Assertion failed: WorkNotFinishedCounter.GetValue() == 0 [File:E:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Async\AsyncWork.h] [Line: 307] "


Retrieve embedded user job, not legal to call while a job is in process

Is there a way? Thanks.

#pragma once

class YimerTh : public FNonAbandonableTask


    bool bRun = false;

    FORCEINLINE TStatId GetStatId() const

    void DoWork();
    void StopWork();


#include "ThreadProject.h"
#include "YimerTh.h"

    bRun = true;

void YimerTh::DoWork()
    while (bRun)


void YimerTh::StopWork()
    bRun = false;

FAsyncTask<YimerTh> * NewTimer = new FAsyncTask<YimerTh>();

Try modify the declaration of bRun to

volatile bool bRun = false;

And also, you may need to sleep for a few ms before the thread really quits.

No it does not work, still the engine crash when I call variables from outside, when thread working. The same error.

I do like this:

NewTimer->GetTask().bRun = false;

The keyword volatile is necessary because otherwise, C++ compiler will optimize bRun variable (and maybe transform it as register). So when bRun is set to true outside of the thread, the bRun inside thread remains false - I have faced similar problem like yours.

I modify the declaration of bRun to volatile.
bRun does not change outside at all, just crash.