How to stop the player's movement immediately?

I’m trying to allow the player to reset their camera and current position to the default starting pos. This part works fine and the problem is once the position is set, it seems that the momentum and stuff that forced it’s movement to change, are still acting on it. So when you get timelined back to where you were, you then fly off in some crazy direction spinning like a top.

I’ve tried setting the players movement to the current world transform. I’ve tried setting as static and then on key release setting to moveable. I’ve tried disabling physics sim, gravity. The node that goes off the character controller called “stop movement immediately”. Nothing will work.

When my character get’s shot by an enemy ship I want the ship to keep spinning out and have the impact do damage and act on the ship in a physics way, but you need to reset the view to continue the battle after the initial hit.

No matter what I try I can’t get the movement to stop so you’re stuck spinning in space at mach 10000. The character is using floating pawn movement and ahs simulating physics on and gravity off.

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Your looking for set all physics linear velocity and set all physics angular momentum(can’t remember exact name of nodes) . Then set(they default 0any way) all values to 0.

No dice. There are 3 different nodes I can try ‘Set All Physics Linear Velocity’, ‘Set All Physics Angular Velocity in Radians’, ‘Set All Physics Angular Velocity in Degrees’

None of them seem to have an effect on my character’s movement.

Okay so maybe I should have been more specific, and I didn’t even really know. But the ways to stop a player’s character and pawn are inherently different. The nodes that have been thrown around in this thread most likely would work on a player character.

But this is not the case for me; I am using a player pawn and on top of that using the ‘Floating Pawn Movement’ type. So, what I did; was use a disable input to stop any more actions from the player interrupting the movement stopping(which was effecting it a little) and then I got a reference to ‘Pawn Movement’ got it’s ‘Velocity’ and then set it’s ‘Velocity’ to 0 over a ‘Lerp(Vector)’ and a simple 0-1 ‘Timeline’.



Thanks a bunch for this! Was tearing my hair out over this FloatingPawnMovement which did not want to stop when I asked it to.

Just want to re-iterate. The key (at least in my case) is to repeatedly set velocity, and acceleration to be sure, on the FloatingPawnMovement to 0. You can do it on tick or in a timeline. This seems like a hack to me, but I can’t find another way to do it.

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Thanks! This solution worked for me aswell.

For me it had to do with the SpringArm default setting for “Lag”

Once I disable the camera lag i no longer had an issue
