So basically I have a sphere collision with a static mesh. The spring arm and camera is attached to the sphere collision. When i move the ball in the u4 the ball moves but the camera rotates spinning around constantly. How do i solve this issue?
the camera is supposed to be attached to the spring arm component and the spring arm to the thing you want to follow. In the imgae the CameraBoom is the spring arm component
you can tweak the spring arm by clicking on the component to the left and edit the values in the details panel to the right.
I’m starting with the Side Scroller Template with blueprints, as this is a resource everyone has access to.
So, to get started, we want to remove the default camera from the SideScrollerCharacter. To do this, go to the character’s blueprint and simply delete the camera and camera arm. Once you’re done, the viewport should look something like this:
We’ll be making our own camera blueprint, so there’s no need for an extra one here. Feel free to ignore the capsule around his arm, as that’s not relevant to our current project.
This is the design of the [Smash Bros][2].-style multiplayer camera system
This is the design of the Smash Bros.-style multiplayer camera system
I’m starting with the Side Scroller Template with blueprints, as this is a resource everyone has access to.
So, to get started, we want to remove the default camera from the SideScrollerCharacter. To do this, go to the character’s blueprint and simply delete the camera and camera arm. Once you’re done, the viewport should look something like this:
We’ll be making our own camera blueprint, so there’s no need for an extra one [here][2]. Feel free to ignore the capsule around his arm, as that’s not relevant to our current project.