He wants to be able to drag with left click, and not have right click cancel it when it is released. I’d give more input but mine does it too I just never really noticed lol.
Yes exactly this. I think the problem is with the drag class from unreal, and I’d be up to creating my own but then I have no clue how to connect it to trigger the on drop events on widgets.
May need more information on how your drag function is setup. Mine was doin it cause stop drag was hooked up to an on mouse up event, and that fires when either button is released. Just checking to see if the left mouse button was down or not before running the stop drag function fixed it, they may not give the result you are after though.
While I am in the drag, if I click and release RMB, the drag triggers the On Drop event on whichever widget the drag overlaps at that moment. So all in all, the drag isn’t canceled, but rather just goes through even though I am still holding the LMB. I could go around this if I could somehow disable the drag from completing if I am still holding LMB but I have no clue how to set that up.
The solution would be if I could restart the drag somehow, any ideas? I am looking into creating my own class for this but I don’t know what to do to make it cause drop events.
Not any good ones. My only idea is the player controller sends an interface call to toggle a bool in the UMG blueprint when left click is pressed and released, and the drag can’t stop unless it’s false. Someone probably knows a much cooler way.
NM, that wouldn’t work at all, I got nuthin:(
Edit: I set mine up like this to solve it, my widget is a bit different… but it just checks to see if left click is down and if it is it doesn’t stop dragging.