How to stop projectile movement from applying impulse on component hit?

Hey guys,

How can I stop this behavior of a small projectile kicking my huge vehicle around like it was a small bird? It’s kinda ridiculous.

Here’s a video:

The vehicle is a Chaos vehicle, so it has physics simulated of course.
Is there no way to just simply switch off the projectile adding this impulse?
I can’t find any specific solution anywhere, only traces that lead to nowhere.

The thing I found is, that the box collision in my projectile BP should also simulate physics, otherwise a kinetic object hits a simulated one and it results in this insane impulse.
Another thread mentions that physics simulation on BPs with projectile movement is not supported… now I’m confused.
I tried setting my collision to simulate physics, but then I can’t make the velocity work.
It then shoots the projectile in a different direction for some reason.
Without simulating physics it goes in the right direction.

Hope that someone has an idea :slight_smile:

you can try to reduce the impulse value or increase the mass of your vehicle.

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As above.

  • if you’re using PMC, avoid simulating physics and let the PMC do its job; otherwise:


  • it should not add impulses by default; if you see an impulse applied, you’ve applied it yourself when the projectile hit - double check the script when hits are generated

The vehicle is already very heavy, I won’t mess with that as it’s perfectly set up right now with torque and suspension, etc.

I’m not adding any manual impulse at all anywhere.
This is the result of letting a non simulated object hitting a simulated one.

If I run exactly the same code as component begin overlap instead of component hit, I don’t get this impulse: