How to stop projectile from destroying itself?

I am trying to make a few dozen of little actors (currently cubes with 0.05 scale) to spawn in the world, then they should be throwable in a smaller group with a relative high speed (2500-3000), but this way they go through the objects quite often.
I wanted to give them Projectile Movement Component, so their way would be simulated better, but they all dissapear after max 1 sec, I guess from stopping. Is there any way to stop this suicide behavior of theirs?

There’s a lifetime variable at the actor level. Make sure that’s set to something reasonable.

Initial Life Span is still set to 0. And the actors don’t disappear if they don’t have this component, only after I add it.

Could it be that the projectile is colliding with the pawn on the frame it spawns? Maybe try disabling collision as a test?

Well, they certainly do, since they spawn right under the player. Is it how they supposed to work? Any way to turn it off?
They are debris and spawn when for example the player falls down. Then they are can be collected in a ball and be thrown.
My goal is only to stop them from randomly going through walls, as far as I know, only the Projectile Movement gives it a better collision detection in this meaning.

have you solved this problem? I have the same scene

That was looong time ago! :smiley:
At that time, I think I skipped the Projectile Movement Component entirely.
Now with a bit more experiece, I would try something like adding the Projectile Component to it later, just when the throw happens. Until then it’s not a necessity to be a projectile.