How to stop or destroy all actors when the end screen comes up

When my end screen pops up I want the everything in the game to stop running or even just destroy other actors. Like currently if my player dies I have a pawn that functions like a turret and it just keeps firing even when the player is dead and the end screen comes up.

Here is the blueprints to show my end screen

I don’t have a ton of experience with blueprints

You could add a Boolean variable and call it like game over,when you create the end screen widget,just set it to true.
Then in every your turret before do anything first check the variable.
Only when the game isn’t over can do anything.

Create the Boolean on my turret or player character (which is where the end screen stuff is)?

Then how would I do that and where would I hook that up to? I know how to create a boolean but not much beyond that.

I am very bad with blueprints and just programming in general, I had to follow tutorials to make everything.

Like this?

But then how would I make the turret check that? Here’s the turrets blueprints

Pause the game? Would that work?

Other than that, I’d create an interface and implement it on the desired actor classes. Get All Actors with Interface → Message

Like this? What do I plug it into?

When you search it,there will be two.choose the Get one,not Set,
And then add a branch node to check it.

That worked! Thank you so much!!

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