How to stop navmesh agent at a certain radius from target like Unity's stopping distance [blueprint]

In unity navmesh agents have something called stopping distance that is the distance at which the agent will stop seeking the target. For example an actor with stopping distance = 2 would mean that the agents chasing it will stop at 2 distance units from the point where the actor is. If the actor is in 0,0,0, that means that the agent would stop in -2,0,0, for example.

I could find no equivalent to that in Unreal Engine. Is there an analogue to stopping distance ? How to use it?

The acceptance radius is what you are probably looking for. It’s the distance at which the ai will see his goal as met (if he comes within this limit). By default it’s set to -1.

Be sure to click the arrow at the bottom of the blueprint to get all of the parameters.

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