How to stop elements from another level showing up in my main menu level? (4.10.4

When working on my project I made the level first with a hud and top down player.

I am now trying to make a main menu level following tutorials, however the hud and player from the other level still show up when playing the main menu level.

The level itself appears to have nothing in it. and all the level blueprint does is show the Menu widget.

Yet when i play the level, both the HUD from the other level and player is showing.

as I am new to unreal I have no idea how to solve it and I haven’t had any luck with searching.
So I would really love some help with this.

if you need more info please let me know.

I added that to my main menu level blueprint, but the issue is still there.

Also don’t understand why that hud widget is even loaded as it is only created in the gamemode blueprint from arena1 and shouldn’t be in the Main menu level

I can solve the hud issue by adding and checking for a boolean before loading the hud in the other level, but i haven’t been able to solve the player spawn even when checking for the same boolean

you have to use “remove all widget” before adding the new widget

in the main menu level ,go into the world settings and set gamemode to none :

Did you created a Game Mode and Player Controller for your main menu level?

Some reason having None selected for everything didn’t work, however making a new mode and having it blank did the job. thanks for your help.

No I didn’t. will try that now.

EDIT: just created a new mode for the menu with default setting and that solved the issue. could you add that as an answer so i can accept it as the answer :stuck_out_tongue:

No idea why having none selected wasn’t enough to get the job done.
Thanks for your solution ^.^

You’re welcome =)

Thank you for the answers, it really help

hi, i am having similar kind of problem. I assigned a new game mode with player pawn as none. But when i tried to access the variable from player blueprint, it gives accessed none error. Badly stuck on it. Can’t find solution elsewhere.