Hi Guys!
I am following Moize Opel’s combo tutorials on Youtube (they are really great) and I changed some stuff to adapt it to the game I have in mind.
So far, my character is able to switch combat mode on and off. I can make him draw and sheath his sword by pressing TAB. During Combat Mode I can perform a simple Combo.
Now, here’s the problem: every time the character finishes the combo he returns to combat mode (combat_idle) but he also draw his sword again, even though he already has his sword in his hand. As he returns to his combat idle animation, his draw animation repeats as well.
Is there any way I can stop the draw_sword animation repeating after every attack?
Could you post some screenshots please, so we can better understand how to help you. If not that then can you explain a bit about how you have the system setup?
Yes! I Attached some screenshots so you can see 
Thank you so much!
Hello, virel92,
Could you post the logic inside the Combat_Idle_Walk_Run state too? And also the condition for the state change from Draw sword?
If you are seeing your state machine go back to the correct state but play the wrong animation, maybe there is something wrong in your anim montage, as in it’s playing an extra piece of animation not needed, or firing some event through a notify.
If I might ask, why are you doing that logic in your character bp? Why not run it from your animation blueprint?
All the best.
After a combo, the state machine goes back to the correct state but not before playing the Draw_Sword animation which it shouldn’t be played every time he attacks, but only when the player presses TAB to turn on combat mode.
I tried by changing notifies and stuff like that but nothing has changed. I modified the combo blueprint so that the character can attack also when not in combat mode. In that case I didn’t have any issue. The character would go back to normal idle mode without drawing the sword.
So I think the problem is in the Locomotion system but I don’t know how to solve it.
I’ll attach some other screenshots.
Thank you so much 
If I had to guess I would say you are setting the animation to your idle state at some point after your combo montages, and then subsequently setting it to the combat state, which would cause the draw sword animation to play every time that the combo montage finishes.
So I’d say you are right that it’s most likely a problem in your Locomotion system. It’s hard to be sure though without being able to go through the project itself, because I can’t see where or when you are calling the your custom events (like the Switch__On event for example). Are you using notifies from the anim montages to call these? If so there could be conflicting sets of the booleans you have or maybe the notifies are calling the wrong events.
Sorry I can’t be of more help but that’s my best guess so far. I will check out Moize Opel’s to see if I can help you better. Which tutorial were you up to?
I was following UE4 blueprint tutorial 04 - melee combat part 2 and 3.
here’s the link:
For now, I’ve set the Draw_Animation rate to 1 in the locomotion, so that the animation doesn’t show after combos (good) and when switching to combat mode (bad). At least i can focus on expanding the combo system without that hassle.
Thank you for your help! and let me know if you figure it out!
This is the Magic to solve your problem !