Hi, thanks for reading. Anyone have any clue what’s going on here?
In PhysXLab this destructible mesh behaves as intended, but once imported into UE4 all but the one chunk designated to not be damaged is cast off in a single hit. How can I align the behavior in UE4 with that in PhysXLab?
Here is a Jing of the intended behavior of this destructible mesh in PhyxLab, compared to the actual behavior in-game. Note that the incorrect behavior is most easily seen at the very last attempt in the video.
I’ve been messing with every setting I can think of but no matter what I do the entire cube is immediately destroyed. I don’t understand. The damage being applied is a single point of damage. It shouldn’t be able to total out the entire structure. I must be missing a setting somewhere in UE4 or there is a bug, or I’m retarded.
Can you post a screen shot of your destruction parameters from your DM. Specifically the Damage Parameters, Special Hierarchy Depths, and Flags sections?
Almost all the settings carry over from PhysX Labs with exception of the Support Depths. These will need to be setup to get the effect you were seeing in PhysX Labs.
I’ve assigned myself to the other question you’ve posted and I’ll try setup a destrucitble tomorrow similar to yours and see if I can get an answer for you. I’ve setup a lot of destruction meshes but no necessarily used them in my own projects in that manner. I’ll have to fiddle with it and see what tips I can give you.
Thanks for your response Tim. I upvoted your post because I think you were right about one of the support-related settings not coming through the import.
I reimported it and took a look at the default settings. It seems as if Minimum Fracture Depth was the offending parameter. It was set to 0 but it needed to be higher.