How to stop collision damage trigger between enemies

I have set up a collision box on an enemy , that on overlap damages the player to death, like a suicide bomber , in twin stick.
I have also set up damage on hit for the enemies coming from the players projectile, only 10% enemy HP

My issue is enemy is damaging itself partially on collision with Any object in game now , including other enemies. Which is not desired . At times to the point of enemy death. Seems like roughly a third of damage , which I did implement originally the collision to be 34% to player , so that it took 3 hits to kill. But I can’t find any reference of it left. To be fair I could be overlooking it .

How can I make it to where the damage is only triggered with overlap with the player and the damage is only to the player

Without knowing the how any overlap logic is set up for your collision box on the enemy, I would recommend starting with checking the collision volumes Collision presets. It defaults to OverlapAllDynamic which as you can see triggers events on basically any overlap. there are some other presets you can try, like OverlapOnlyPawn, but you may still need to test some logic to see if a player controller is possessing it so they don’t suicide bomb other enemies.

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Awesome thank you, that’s definitely set to default so I’ll try to set it to only pawn , it’s twin stick so the player is a pawn . I’ll see if I can get theses pictures for you

So as a first note, there is a snipping tool that is amazing for capturing node networks and partial screen caps (even has a marker tool in it!) called snipping tool. you can find it by doing a quick search from the windows search bar for snipping. lets you copy or save a partial screencap. can help in the future getting clearer blueprint images.

As far as your node network from what I can see, you want to connect Other Actor pin in the Hitbox overlap event to the cast node your using, that will test against whatever your overlapping with, otherwise as you have it now, any time the collision is triggered it will get player controller 0’s pawn and attempt to cast to it, which will always succeed. I can’t quiet make out the other images, but thats the first place to start.

seriously struggled getting the pictures on here, but theres some of the nodes for whats going on floating around here now

Thank you , how can I do the further check for if controlled by player controller?
I found is player controlled node
Do a branch for that as the condition to run the following?
Your amazing

look at that sexy snip work, hows that look, about to test it

How did it work? assuming the player is the only one ever using the TwinStickPawn your test of player controlled is likely unnecessary and, as it is currently, will always fail because your testing against (i assume) the bots actor and it will likely not be player controlled ever. you would want to connect the other actor pin to to the target pin if your really wanting to see if its player controlled.

I tried a few random combinations with that node and never got it but I’ll try how you have it pictured, I appreciate you helping . I have more problems than success but I love it and I feel like I learn more ever day

Glad it worked out! for future reference I recommend watching this tutorial video on blueprint communication. because you were already using casting to create your mechanics I did not want to confuse you by making any separate recommendations, but for this kind of situation, I would recommend using a blueprint interface, its cleaner and more robust.

I got it worker , and did a similar check for the projectile for on hit damage that was also causing enemies to kill eachother that I couldn’t even see before because the other problems .
Thank you so much for your help

Thank you I’ll watch it now , your amazing :heart: