Hi all,
Having trouble stopping the ability to weapon switch during reloading.
I have a two weapons, a pistol and a shotgun. They’re child actors, with a ‘Gun Base’ parent.
The call to reload comes from the R key in the Third Person Blueprint, which then casts to the ‘Gun Base’ which in turn sends to the two child actor weapons each with their own reload animations, length etc.
Note: The weapon switching is also stored in the Third Person Blueprint, mouse wheel axis.
I have tried with a simple variable ‘IsReloading?’ and delay, on the end of the Third Person Blueprint call to reload, that stops the weapon switch. The problem is though the shotgun reload takes 6.5 seconds and the Pistol is 2 seconds. So it blocks the weapon switching in frustrating way for the player on the pistol.
I cannot find a way to determine the time of the custom event ‘Reload’ for the two ‘Child Actor’ specific weapons in the Third Person Blueprint or split them apart from each other.
An acceptable alternative might be that if you do weapon switch it at least cancels the reload and animation, and doesn’t add ammo. Unfortunately this is not the case and the reload sequence continues entirely off screen while holding the newly switched weapon, Octopus style!
Can anyone help with this?
Would be much appreciated.