I’m examining a large scene, where permanently objects are flying and particles like steam are animated.
I would like to stop all movements / animation.
How is that possible?
(I need just high quality single shots for rendering)
I’m examining a large scene, where permanently objects are flying and particles like steam are animated.
I would like to stop all movements / animation.
How is that possible?
(I need just high quality single shots for rendering)
Unreal has a tool for taking high res screenshots Taking Screenshots | Unreal Engine Documentation
You could pause the game by opening the console with ` and using the pause
You can also pause the game via blueprints using Set Game Paused
Have you tried using using “SetGlobalTimeDialation” from blue print, link below:
Or if you use C++
#include “Kismet/GameplayStatics.h”
float NewTime = 0.0f;
I haven’t tried setting it to zero before, but it can be used to slow down or speed up the experienced time at runtime. You can change the value on the fly and bind it to a key if you would like. Hope this helps and please comment your results if it works.
Thank you, I will have a look.
I‘m quite new to Unreal (coming from Maya and 3dsMax, until now I had only imported assets), it’s the first time I‘m digging into it deeper.
How do I use that blue print: do I plug it into a kind of „scenetime“ node? Or is it just enough to drag it into the editor?
If you can recommend introductory tutorials, I would be grateful.
This video series is a good start Intro to Blueprints: Blueprint Introduction | 01 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
It’s pretty old at this point but the core concepts are still the same.
Thanks, I watched it now for an hour…
Unfortunately, it explains a lot I know from my other softwares (Maya is very similar, I don’t need beginner explanations how to scale objects for example) and not game programming (trigger box…).
I’m doing movie, classical animation and still shots
It’s so hard to find good tutorials which are not game related