Hi! I want to rotate the object by a few stops, like 180 or 360 on the z-axis, but when I tried to get the current value, it gives an unexpected value, from 0 to -180 and then from 180 to 0.
Is there any way to realize these stops?
I don;t want to use timeline with SetRelativeRotation for this.
Perhaps Add Relative Rotation
is the wrong tool here. Do tell what the ideal end result it.
You could drive it with a motor:
Or this:
Would produce this, snapping it to the desired angle:
Or replace the node with:
Really depends on the desired end result.
How to stop ‘Add Relative Rotation’ to a certain value?
Not entirely sure what this means.
it works with SetActorRotation, but if I put 180 instead of 90, after the first 180 rotation it will return as -180. I want something like 180 first and 360 second.
It works the same with X axis, but for Y something is wrong.
Try the last node I suggested - see how it goes.
No, no. Use what you wanted here:
Just replace that one node.
Admittedly, you actually never explained how it should work. We can only see that something is wrong. What are we trying to achieve? Press a button and rotate by X degrees? Or hold a button to rotate a bit every frame? Because that’s what your script has and it’s the only thing to go by.
And your last screenshot uses world rotation for a component that is most likely operating in local space. We do not know the hierarchy either.
Sorry, too many unknowns here.
I want to rotate the object by a few stops, like 180 or 360 on the z-axis
It’s this then:
Or is specifically 180 - we want to flip it about?
I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, i don’t know exactly how to write either.
I want to press once for a 180 spin and another one for 360.
It’s like your exemple with SetActorRotation, but with 180, not 90 degrees.
I need to rotate the object inside the actor, not rotate the actor itself.
I set it up again but it seems to work fine:
Rotating just the comp relative to th actor:
Is the anim close enough to what’s needed?
This is the problem. Instead of going 360 degrees, it will go backwards.
That’s why I wanted to use Add Local Rotation/ Add Relative Rotation because it rotates completely 360, but I don’t know how to stop when it reaches the threshold of 360 or if you want 180 as well.
So it’s about the direction it goes back?