How to stop actor doing damage when dead

Hi, I am making a zombie wave-survival game and in the game, every time a player kills the zombie they ragdoll and flop onto the ground. The problem is that they still do damage to the player and I was wondering how to make it so that once they are dead (out of health) they stop doing damage to the player.

How are you dealing damage to the player? Is it on hit or overlap, or is there some other logic involved?

I’d recommend trying to disable whatever that logic is once the zombie’s health is 0.

Create a boolean titled “canDoDamage” and put that check before your Apply Damage logic. And once enemy health less than or equal 0, set “canDoDamage” to false.

Or, put a boolean check before your Apply Damage logic that checks if the enemies current health is greater than 0. If true, the goto Apply Damage stuff. If false, do nothing.

Hope this helps!

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anywhere youre using “ApplyDamage” int the zombie blueprint, use a branch and check if healht is greater than 0 first