How to stop a vibrating Poseabe Mesh during run time when setting angles using Set Bone Rotation by Name

I wanted to control the default third person mannequin’s hand manually. I followed the below steps:

  1. I created a new Blueprint.
  2. I tried using the Set Bone Rotation By Name," by the press of ‘x’ button in keyboard the mannequin’s hand will rise higher.
  3. However, when I play the game, I the hand moves upwards, but it also vibrates.
    How do I fix the vibrating hand? Kindly help me out, I’m a beginner and statred using unreal engine a week back. Thanks in advance!


  1. Set bone rotation by name
  2. Getting controller input
  3. Image showing Vibrating Right hand after pressing ‘x’
  4. Character setup - skeletal mesh is assigned to PoseableMesh component, not to the Mesh(inherited).