How to stop a rolling ball with friction?

Hi I’m making a rolling ball game.

when I get the ball Rollin I would like ball to stop with only the force of friction

is there a simple way to apply friction to an object.

In Physics you have linear/angular damping set it to 0 or something low, when your actor overlaps with other actors you set it high. From here you have few ways to continue the simple one is when overlaps end deactivate the overlap component and activate it, that way if it touches something it will immediately send another overlap event and will continue to have friction and so on. The other way is to have an array of actors that overlap with the ball when overlap happns add the other actor to the array and start the damping when the overlap ends remove that actor from array and check if array is empty if it’s empty stop the damping. Good luck.

thanks, but I would like to see some screenshots with the same information, it would be very helpful thanks.